Gary Evanson, inventor of the Friendly Filter Tool and President of Evanson Industries Inc.

Gary Evanson, inventor of the Friendly Filter Tool and President of Evanson Industries Inc.

The Friendly Filter Tool is designed to make removing and cleaning your professional kitchen grease filters a snap! Pop those filters out, run them through your dishwasher, and pop them back in. No more wobbly step stools (or even standing on the grill!) and dangerously hovering over a still-hot grill.

The Friendly Filter Tool comes in two sizes: 16-inch and 20-inch. The 16-inch tool has a silver handle, while the 20-inch tool has a blue handle. Each tool comes with a 4-minute and 20-second instructional DVD.

The Friendly Filter tool was invented and patented (#8048184) by Gary Evanson. Each Friendly Filter Tool is manufactured and distributed by Evanson Industries in Buckman, Minnesota.
